Clean the vomer, wash and put in boiling water, add salt and spices, cover with a lid. Cooking time to start from the […]
How long to boil milk?
Milk is boiled for 8 minutes in salted water after it boils. Previously, the fish product must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water […]
How much to cook whiting?
Merlanga whole boil for 15-20 minutes. Cook whiting pieces for 10 minutes. How to cook whiting Products Whiting – 1 fish weighing about 0.6-0.7 […]
How long to cook lemonade?
Boil the lemon for 10 minutes . Boil lemonema in a double boiler for 20 minutes . In a slow cooker, cook lemonema for 7 minutes . How […]
How much to cook sole?
Put the sea tongue in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes . How to cook sole Products Sole tongue (fillet) – 600 grams Mustard […]
How long to cook catfish?
Cook catfish fillet pieces for 10 minutes after boiling, for a couple – 20 minutes. Cook whole fish for 20 minutes after boiling. […]