
How long to cook veal heart?

Cooking 60 MIN

Beef heart is boiled for an hour in salted water, after half an hour changing the water. Braised veal heart Products Calf’s heart — […]


How long to cook turkey wings?

Cooking 40 MIN

Put the turkey wings in boiling salted water, cook for 40 minutes . To cook the broth, boil the turkey wings for 1 hour . The shoulder and […]


How long to cook turkey liver?

Cooking 40 MIN

Cook turkey liver for 30-40 minutes in salted water. How to cook turkey liver 1. Wash the turkey liver in cool water. 2. Pour 2-3 liters […]


How long to cook a turkey thigh?

Cooking 40 MIN

Boil the turkey thigh for 40 minutes in salted water. How to cook turkey thigh 1. Wash the turkey thigh in cool water, inspect […]