
How long to cook applesauce?

Cooking 15 MIN

Apple sauce is simmered for 15 minutes. apple sauce recipe Products Apples – 3 pieces (large) Sugar – 100 grams Cinnamon – […]


How long to cook aioli?

Cooking 40 MIN

The aioli sauce takes 5 minutes to prepare. In a dish called aioli, vegetables and fish will be ready in 40 minutes, […]


How much to cook pyanse?

Cooking 40 MIN

Cook for 45 minutes in a pressure cooker over gas pyanse. In the slow cooker, cook for 40 minutes in the “Steam” […]


How long to cook poppy?

Cooking 5 MIN

Poppy seeds pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:2, cook over low heat for 3 – 5 minutes. To prepare poppy seeds for sweet dishes, poppy […]