Cut the lard and put it on the bottom of the pot. When the fat is melted, pour in the onion and garlic. Take […]
How much to cook semolina?
Cook semolina porridge for 1-2 minutes, depending on the variety of semolina and the desired degree of porridge density. The fire during cooking […]
How long to cook milk vermicelli?
For milk vermicelli, it will take only 10 minutes – 5 minutes to boil milk and 5 minutes to boil vermicelli. How […]
How much to cook kutya?
Boil rice kutya for 15 minutes, then insist 10 minutes. Boil wheat kutya for 2 hours. Boil barley kutya for 40 minutes. […]
How long to cook corn porridge?
Pour 3 cups of milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. While constantly stirring the milk with a fork or whisk, […]
How much to cook squash porridge?
Boil squash porridge for 15-30 minutes, depending on the recipe, the total cooking time is 40 minutes. How to cook squash porridge […]