How to cook ghee?

Ghee is cooked from butter: without adding water, it is heated in a saucepan over low heat and boiled for 1 hour after boiling. You can check the readiness by color: the finished ghee is golden-amber in color, and when cooled in the refrigerator, it is bright yellow. Then ghee can be used like ordinary butter, but there will definitely not be any harmful substances and additives in it – they will all evaporate, be removed along with the foam or be removed with sediment.

How to cook ghee

Butter with a fat content of at least 82% – 1 kilogram

How to cook ghee
1. Place the oil in a heat-resistant, thick-walled dish, so that the oil heats up evenly.
2. Melt the butter by putting the pan on the smallest fire.
3. Boil the butter for 3-5 minutes after boiling over low heat until foam is formed – these are the remains of milk protein.
4. Boil ghee for 1 hour until golden amber.
5. Drain the boiled ghee into a saucepan, ignoring the sediment, or drain through several layers of gauze, and cool slightly.
6. Pour the cooled ghee through cheesecloth into hot glass or plastic jars and leave for storage at room temperature.

Tasty Facts

– Ghee (ghee) is a popular product of Indian cuisine, which is one of the varieties of ghee. Ghee differs from ghee by the complete absence of water and milk protein. The product is ubiquitous in several South Asian countries.

– According to the teachings of Ayurveda, ghee belongs to the category of pure products that can not spoil for a long time. It is recommended to store ghee oil for three to four months, and even when stored without a refrigerator, it will not go rancid or oxidize.

– Eating ghee helps to remove cholesterol plaques, cleanses blood vessels. The antioxidant substances contained in ghee prevent the development of atherosclerosis and damage to the DNA structure. Ghee contains vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems and have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. Ghee also contains linoleic acid, which promotes the growth, development and regeneration of organs and tissues of the human body.

– It is not allowed to use ghee together with cold food and cold drinks, as in this case the ghee will harden on the walls of the stomach, which will interfere with the production of gastric juice and can cause congestion.

– In India, sweets are prepared from the sediment formed during the cooking of ghee, mixing it with honey. This is how burfi is cooked, for example .

– As spices for ghee, you can use cumin, pepper, ginger root. They can be added at the end of cooking, after the end of cooking.

– It is delicious to soak rice , boiled vegetables , fresh vegetable salads with ghee . Ghee is also added to any porridge .

– When preparing dishes for storing ghee, keep in mind that the butter will be reduced by 20-25% in volume.

– Calorie content of ghee – about 900 kcal / 100 grams.