How to cook cherry jam?

Bring the cherries in syrup to a boil, insist for 10 hours, then bring to a boil again and cool. Boiling – cooling repeat 2 times.
For quick cooking, put the cherries in boiling syrup, leave for 4 hours and then cook for 10 minutes after boiling.

How to cook cherry jam

For 1 kilogram of cherries for cooking cherry jam, 1.2 kilograms of sugar and 200 milliliters of water are needed.

How to cook cherry jam
1. Wash the berries, remove the seeds, dry a little.
2. Pour water into a steel pan, add sugar.
3. Bring the jam to a boil and turn off.
4. Cover the jam and leave for 10 hours in a dark place.
5. Boil the jam, cool.
6. Repeat the procedure 2 times.

Cherry jam in a
multicooker Pour the washed and boneless cherries into the multicooker pan, add sugar, cook the jam in the “Baking” mode for 1 hour, stirring.

Tasty Facts

– Calorie content of cherry jam – 250 kcal / 100 grams of jam.

– To taste, you can add cinnamon, lemon juice, orange fruits to the syrup for jam.

– To easily free the berries from the bones, you can use a special device – a pitting machine.

– If the cherry jam turned out to be liquid, it is recommended to add a gelling agent or drain and boil the syrup. When cooking, it should be borne in mind that the jam after cooling will be less liquid than when hot.

– The cherry jam season is from mid-June to early July, at this time it is most profitable to buy cherries for harvesting.

– Cook jam from yellow cherries in the same way as from red cherries.

– The difference between cherries and cherries: cherries are subspecies of cherries, the berries are considered larger and sweeter. Cherries are more expensive than cherries, and the difference is not always obvious. Taste the berry: if the taste is soft with almost no sour tones, if the berry is fleshy and very soft, it is most likely a sweet cherry.

How to cook cherry jam with walnuts

– 1 kilogram
Walnut (peeled) – 300 grams
Sugar – 1 kilogram
Water – 1 glass
Lemon – 1 piece

How to make cherry and walnut
jam 1. When making cherry jam, use a stainless steel, brass and aluminum pot or bowl, a wooden spoon/shovel and a slotted spoon.
2. Wash the cherries, sort them out, remove the leaves and possible debris, put the peeled berries in a colander.
3. Chop the walnuts, select the edible parts and cut them into small pieces.
4. Remove the stone from each cherry berry, replacing it with a walnut.
5. Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar and put the saucepan on a quiet fire.
6. Bring the cherry jam syrup to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
7. Put the berries in the syrup so that they are all evenly immersed in the syrup.
8. Insist cherries in syrup for 4 hours.
9. Put the pot with cherry jam on a quiet fire and cook for 5-7 minutes.
10. Squeeze lemon juice into the jam (remove the pits), mix and cook for another 3 minutes.
11. Pour hot cherry jam with walnuts into sterilized jars.
12. Until completely cooled, put the jars of jam upside down and cover with a blanket.