How much to cook pollock?

Pollock is washed, cleaned of scales, large fish is cut into transverse pieces. Pollock is dipped in salted boiling water with spices and herbs, and boiled for 10 minutes. You can cook pollock in your own juice if you tightly tie it in a plastic bag before cooking.

How to cook pollock

You will need – pollock, water, salt, herbs and spices to taste

How to cook pollock in a saucepan
1. Wash pollock, remove scales, cut off fins, tail, head.
2. Open the belly of the pollock, remove the insides without tearing the gallbladder.
3. Cut pollock into several portions.
4. Pour water into the pan so that it completely covers pollock, place on a large fire, let it boil.
5. Salt the water, lower a few bay leaves, change the fire to medium.
6. Cook for 10 minutes.
7. Ready pollock take out their pans, transfer to a dish.

How to cook pollock in a double boiler
1. Clean pollock, gut and wash.
2. Put the pieces of pollock in the form of a double boiler.
3. Pour water into the water container.
4. Boil pollock in a double boiler for 15 minutes.

How delicious to cook pollock in a double boiler

Pollock – 700 grams
Lemon – 1 piece
Bay leaf – 3 leaves Allspice
– 3 peas
Onions – 2 onions
Dill – a few sprigs
Salt – half a teaspoon

How to cook pollock in a double boiler
1. Wash pollock, remove scales, cut off fins, tail, head.
2. Open the belly of the pollock, remove the insides without tearing the gallbladder.
3. Cut pollock into several portions.
4. Cut the peeled onions into half rings.
5. Put the onion in an even layer in the steamer bowl.
6. Pepper a layer of onion, put bay leaves.
7. Put pieces of pollock on the onion.
8. Wash the lemon, cut into thin slices.
9. Put lemon slices on pollock pieces.
10. Wash dill, chop, sprinkle on pollock.
11. Place the bowl in a double boiler, turn on for 40 minutes.

How to cook pollock in milk

Pollock – 2 fish
Milk and water – a glass each
Carrots – 2 pcs
Onion – 1 head

Cooking pollock in milk
Peel pollock and cut into cubes with a side of 1-1.5 cm, fry a little. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.
Put fish, carrots, onions in layers at the bottom of the pan. Salt each layer. Pour everything together with water and milk, put, without interfering, on a small fire. After 20 minutes, the dish is ready.

Check out the pollock fish soup recipe !

Tasty Facts

Pollock is especially good for children – as there are few bones in it. However, simply cooked (boiled or fried) pollock is not juicy and harsh, which is why it is better to cook it in a sauce (for example, in milk) or in an ear.

Pollock calorie content (per 100 grams) – 79 calories.

The composition of pollock (per 100 grams):
proteins – 17.6 grams, fats – 1 gram, does not contain carbohydrates.

How to cook pollock in a slow cooker

Pollock – 4 pieces
Bulb onion – 2 onions
Carrots – 2 pieces
Lemon – 1/2 lemon
Garlic – 1 clove
Dry paprika – 2 teaspoons
Tomato paste – 2 tablespoons
Cream 15% – 200 milliliters
Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons
Water – 50 ml
Salt and pepper to taste

How to cook pollock in a
slow cooker 1. Clean pollock, gut and rinse, cut into medium pieces.
2. Salt and pepper pieces of pollock, sprinkle with lemon juice.
3. Peel and wash carrots, onions, garlic. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic, divide the onion into four parts and cut into strips.
4. On the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode and 30 minutes. Pour 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker container.
5. Put the container in the multicooker, warm up for 1 minute. Put the carrots, onions and garlic in the multicooker bowl, salt and fry for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6. After the time has elapsed, take out the container, put half of the vegetables in a deep plate.
7. Put pieces of pollock on top of the remaining vegetables, put the set aside half of the vegetables on top.
8. From 200 milliliters of cream, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and 50 milliliters of water, make a sauce.
9. Mix thoroughly. Add to fish with vegetables.
10. Select the “Extinguishing” mode and set 1 hour.
After an hour, pollock in a slow cooker will be ready.