How long to cook Tom Kha Kai soup?

Soup Tom Kha Kai cook for 40 minutes.

How to cook Tom Kha Kai

without bone and skin – 200 grams (meat from the thighs is suitable for a more rich option, breast fillet for a more dietary option)
Mushrooms or shiitake – 100 grams
Coconut milk – 0.5 liters
Tomato – 1 medium
Chili pepper – 2 pods
Ginger – a small root
Lemongrass – 2 sprigs
Fish sauce – 1 tablespoon
Dill – a few sprigs
Kaffir lime leaves – 6 pieces
Coriander – 1 tablespoon
Lemon – half
Water – 1 liter
Cilantro for decoration

How to cook Tom Kha Kai
1. Peel the ginger, grate it on a fine grater.
2. Wash lemongrass, put it on a board and beat with the back of a knife to enhance the release of juice.
3. Put the ginger and lemongrass into a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
4. Bring the water to a boil and cook for 30 minutes until the chicken is fully cooked.
5. Strain the broth – now it is saturated with the aroma of spices.
6. Chicken meat cut or divided into large pieces, return to the broth.
7. Wash the tomatoes, pour over with boiling water, then peel and chop finely; add to soup.
8. Wash the chili pepper, chop finely, add to the Tom Kha Kai.
9. Clean and wash the mushrooms, chop finely.
10. Heat up a frying pan, pour olive oil, put mushrooms and fry them for 5 minutes.
11. Pour coconut milk, fish sauce, freshly squeezed lemon juice into the soup, add kaffir lime leaves, mix.
12. After boiling, put the mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes.
13. Turn off the heat, leave the soup under the lid for 5 minutes and serve, garnishing with sprigs of cilantro and dill.

Tasty Facts

Tom Kha Kai Soup is a sour and spicy soup of Thai and Lao cuisine, second in popularity after Tom Yam Soup , on a par with Tom Kha Kung Soup. Mandatory products for cooking Tom Kha Kai are coconut milk, lime leaves, lemongrass, chili peppers, dill or coriander, mushrooms, chicken, fish sauce and lime juice. In Russia, in order for the soup to become rich, it is customary to add chicken broth and fry mushrooms.

– The difference between Tom Kha Kai soup and Tom Kha Kung soup is the use and preparation of chicken instead of shrimp in a special way.

– To reduce the spiciness of the soup, you can remove the seeds from the chili pepper. Tom Kha Kai will get a special zest if you fry the pepper before adding it to the soup.

Dill is traditionally used in Lao cuisine, Thai cuisine ignores it for Tom Kha Kai.

– Coconut milk in the Tom Kha Kai recipe can be replaced with powdered milk.

– Salt the Tom Kha Kai soup with extreme care so that the salt does not interrupt the sourness.