How long to cook rhubarb compote?

Cook rhubarb compote for the winter for 6-7 minutes. In total, it takes 1 hour to prepare rhubarb compote.

Preparation of compote for the winter

Rhubarb – 700 grams of petioles
Sugar – 1.5 cups (300 grams)
Water – 300 milliliters

How to cook compote for the winter
1. Put 700 grams of rhubarb petioles cut into cubes in a liter jar and pour water to the top, about 300 milligrams; immediately pour the water into the pan.
2. Pour 300 grams of sugar and boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
3. Pour hot syrup into a jar of rhubarb stalks. Leave for 10 minutes.
4. Boil the syrup again, pouring from the jar into the pan, boil for 1 minute after boiling.
5. Add syrup to a jar of rhubarb petioles and close the lid.

Fresh rhubarb compote

stalks – 500 grams
Sugar – 1 cup
Water – 2 liters

How to cook rhubarb compote
1. Cut washed rhubarb stalks into pieces.
2. Pour a glass of sugar into the pan, put the petioles and pour 2 liters of water.
3. Heat the contents of the pot, stirring occasionally, until boiling.
4. Cook for 5 minutes, reducing the heat.
5. Stop heating and let the rhubarb compote stand for 15 minutes under a tightly closed lid.

The drink is ready. It can be served warm, or you can add pieces of ice to the glasses.

Tasty Facts

– Rhubarb compote has a beautiful pink color , sweet and sour taste and a very pleasant peculiar smell.

– In order to get rid of the fibers into which rhubarb breaks down during cooking, the compote can be filtered before use.

– The skin from the petioles of rhubarb can not be removed, especially if the drink is filtered.

– In rhubarb compote, you can add a little raisins (at the beginning of cooking), lemon or orange zest. The drink is brewed with the addition of cherries and strawberries, which ripen at the same time as rhubarb.

– Compote for the winter, made from rhubarb, is concentrated, it is diluted with water before use . Compote rhubarb can be used as a filling for a pie or pies.