How much to cook hawthorn compote

Hawthorn compote is cooked in a saucepan for 15 minutes + 10 hours for infusion.

In a slow cooker, hawthorn compote is cooked for 15 minutes + 10 hours for infusion.

How to cook hawthorn compote

For 1.5 liters of compote
Water – 1 liter
Hawthorn – 650 grams
Sugar – 300 grams

Food preparation
1. Wash ripe hawthorn fruits, cut each berry in half, remove seeds.
2. Rinse the berries under running water. Let the water drain.

Preparation of hawthorn compote in a saucepan
1. Pour water into a saucepan. Add sugar.
2. Gently stirring the sugar, heat the water to a temperature of 85 degrees. This will take 10 minutes.
3. Dip the hawthorn fruits into the resulting syrup and bring the compote to a boil for 5 minutes.
4. After boiling the compote, remove the pan from the heat and leave for 10 hours. Preparation of hawthorn compote in a multicooker
1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Add sugar, stir gently and turn on the slow cooker in the Cooking / Stewing mode for 10 minutes.
2. Add hawthorn to the syrup, close the lid and continue to cook the compote in the Boiling / Stewing mode for another 5 minutes.
3. Leave the resulting compote in the slow cooker for 10 hours.
After 10 hours, strain the compote from the berries using a colander, bring to a boil. It will take 10 minutes in the pan. Turn on the slow cooker for 10 minutes in the Cooking / Stewing mode and bring the compote to a boil.

Pour the finished compote into clean jars and roll up.

Tasty Facts

– A cool dark place is suitable for storing hawthorn compote.

– Hawthorn compote can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

– For the preparation of hawthorn compote, ripened, but not overripe fruits are suitable.

– Sugar syrup can be completely or partially replaced with apple juice without pulp.

– Hawthorn fruits contain ursolic acid, which has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor and diuretic effects. This is one of the few plants that has practically no contraindications for use.