How long to fry dumplings

Frozen dumplings put on a hot frying pan, poured with sunflower oil, and fry for 7-10 minutes over medium heat on both sides, without covering, then 1 minute under the lid with the addition of water, then over medium heat for 10 minutes .

Fry the boiled dumplings for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.

Fry dumplings delicious

How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying
pan Heat the frying pan over high heat with a small amount of vegetable oil. Put frozen dumplings-semi-finished products without defrosting in a pan in one layer, not very tightly: dumplings can touch each other, but do not crush each other. Pelmeni pepper and season with your favorite spices, fry first on one side, then on the other side for 3-4 minutes, the reference point is a ruddy hard surface. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for another minute so that the minced meat is completely fried.

How to fry boiled dumplings
Boiled dumplings after cooking until fully cooked, put in a colander, drain the broth. Heat the pan over high heat, pour in the oil and put the dumplings – fry them for 2 minutes on one side until golden brown, then turn over and fry for 2 minutes on the other side. The fire must be large so that the dumplings are seized with a ruddy and appetizingly crunchy.

How long to fry homemade dumplings
Homemade dumplings, as a rule, are larger than store-bought dumplings, and there is more meat in them, therefore it takes longer to fry. Fry homemade dumplings for at least 12 minutes.

How to stew dumplings in sour cream
Mix milk (200 milliliters) with sour cream (100 grams) and a teaspoon of flour, garlic (1 clove) and finely chop dill.
In a frying pan with oil, fry the dumplings for 3 minutes over high heat, and then pour the milk-sour cream mixture. Stew the dumplings in the sour cream mixture for 15 minutes over low heat with the lid open. Sprinkle with herbs after frying.

Which dumplings are suitable for frying
For frying, dumplings that are flattened from 1 or 2 sides are most suitable – such dumplings will be more ruddy and crispy. Dumplings with curled fields are difficult to fry so that the fields do not dry out. They can be stewed with water or boiled and then fried, but then the dumplings will not be crispy.

How to stew dumplings with vegetables

Pelmeni – 400 grams
Carrots – 1 large
Cauliflower – 7-10 large inflorescences
Eggplant – half a small eggplant
Zucchini – half a small zucchini
Fresh champignons – 100 grams
Paprika – 1 tablespoon
Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon
Fresh parsley – half bundle
Salt – to taste
Water – 1 cup
Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons

How to stew dumplings with vegetables
1. Boil water, add salt and ground black pepper, mix.
2. Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences.
3. Peel the zucchini and eggplant, cut into cubes with a side of 1 centimeter.
4. Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices.
5. Wash parsley, dry and finely chop.
6. Heat the pan for 1 minute, pour in the oil.
7. Put the champignons in the pan, fry for 3 minutes.
7. Put the cauliflower in the pan, fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
8. Put the zucchini and eggplant in the pan, fry for 3 minutes.
9. Pour boiling water and put the dumplings to the vegetables.
10. Stew dumplings with vegetables for 15 minutes.
Serve stewed dumplings sprinkled with chopped parsley.