How long to boil the syrup?

For 1 kg of sugar, you need to take 1.5 liters of water. About a third of the total amount of sugar should be poured into the pan. Put the sugar in a saucepan over low heat and do not stir until the sugar begins to caramelize. After all the sugar turns light brown, you will need to fill it with water, add the remaining sugar and add a few grams of vanilla. Boil the syrup until all the sugar has dissolved.

How to make caramel syrup

To prepare 1 liter of caramel syrup, you need 1 kilogram of sugar, 1.5 liters of water and 3 grams of vanilla.

How to cook caramel syrup
1. Put a third of the sugar in a saucepan, bring to a light brown color, stirring.
2. Pour sugar with water, add the rest of the sugar and vanilla.
3. Boil caramel syrup to the required density for 10-15 minutes.
4. Then the caramel syrup must be filtered.

How to cook jam syrup

for 1 liter of syrup
Sugar – 1 kilogram
Water – 1 liter
Vanilla – 3 grams

How to cook caramel syrup
1. Pour sugar with water and put on fire.
2. Bring the mixture to a boil and, without reducing the heat, cook for 2-3 minutes.
3. For uniform dissolution of sugar, the syrup must be constantly stirred and skimmed.
4. Part of the sugar can be replaced with honey by adding it to a slightly cooled liquid and no longer boil.
5. Turbid syrup must be filtered through gauze.

Tasty Facts

A syrup is a concentrated solution obtained by dissolving sugar in water or fruit juice. Most often, syrups are brewed, in which the sugar content ranges from 30 to 80%. If the sugar concentration is below 60%, the syrup may ferment. Citric acid, added at the end of cooking, will help to avoid souring the syrup.

– Syrups are used in the manufacture of canned fruits and berries, the manufacture of compotes, cooking jams, and the preparation of confectionery. Fruit syrups are added to cocktails and carbonated drinks.

– If necessary, invert syrup is brewed, which prevents sweet products from being candied. A thick, honey-like syrup is used in the manufacture of products that must retain their presentation for a long time. Invert syrup is prepared by adding baking soda and citric acid to regular syrup. Replaces molasses in recipes where it is required.

Degrees of syrup samples The
degree of syrup density can be determined using a special thermometer, or focusing on samples, each of which has its own characteristic external features and purpose.
1. Liquid syrup. Contains some sugar, not thick or sticky. Used for preparation of compotes.
2. Thin thread. Sticks to hands. By squeezing and unclenching a drop of such syrup with your fingers, you can get a thin, easily torn thread. It is used to make jam from dense fruits and berries.
3. Medium thread. A sticky syrup, a drop of which, when unclenched with fingers, gives a thin but strong thread. Suitable for preserving berries and fruits.
4. Thick thread. The syrup is much thicker, firmly holds the fingers, when unclenched, a strong thick thread is formed, which quickly hardens. Designed for preserving berries and fruits, including soft varieties.
5. Weak fudge. Dropping such syrups into cold water, you can see how it turns into a thick loose mass. This test shows that the sugar is ready to thicken to the next stage.
6. Fondant. A small amount of syrup, dipped in cold water, forms a plastic ball resembling oil. The syrup of this sample is used in the preparation of sweets.
7. Weak or semi-hard ball. A drop of syrup, dipped in cold water, resembles a bread crumb in consistency, from which soft balls can be molded. The syrup is used in the manufacture of candied fruit jam and sweets.
8. Hard or strong ball. A drop of syrup in cold water solidifies into a hard dense ball. Used in the manufacture of toffees.
9. Crack. The syrup hardens into a thin film.
10. Caramel. A drop of syrup dipped in cold water hardens and breaks into small crystals.
11. Bypass. The syrup, in addition to the caramel strength, acquires a yellowish-brown color.
12. Zhzhenka. The sugar in the syrup turns brown, a characteristic burnt smell appears.

Syrups 1 to 8 are intended for canning and making jam.