How long does espanol sauce take to cook?

Cook the espagnole sauce for 4 hours over low heat.

How to cook espanol

Meat broth (pork or beef) – 1 liter
Flour – 50 grams
Butter – 50 grams
Vegetable oil – 20 grams
Tomato paste or ketchup without additives – 30 grams
Carrots – 3 pieces
Onions – 3 heads
Greens to choose from – to taste

How to cook espagnole sauce
1. Prepare the base of the sauce – melt the butter in a frying pan with a thick bottom, add flour.
2. Stirring constantly, fry the mixture for 2 minutes until it begins to darken.
3. Dilute tomato paste (ketchup) in the broth and pour into the mixture.
4. Pour in the broth carefully, in portions, so as not to splatter.
5. Put the future sauce to boil (in the same frying pan or saucepan) on a quiet fire.
6. Wash, peel carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion, rub the carrots on a coarse grater.
7. Pass the vegetables in vegetable oil until soft, ready to transfer them to the sauce.
8. Boil espanol for 4 hours over low heat, from time to time remove the foam and droplets of fat.

Tasty Facts

– It is convenient to cook a lot of espanol at once and freeze in small bags – you can use it as a ready-made sauce or a basis for further creativity.

– It is believed that the sauce acquired its name thanks to Spanish tomatoes, which significantly improved the taste of the usual sauce at the celebration of the marriage of Louis XIII with Anne of Austria. Contemporaries add tomato paste or ketchup.

Espanyol goes best with meat dishes – lamb, beef, pork, as well as ham, bacon and barbecue.

– Additionally, when cooking espanol sauce, you can add chopped greens to the pan.