How much to fry the waves

Soak the volnushki for 2 days to remove the bitterness. Boil volnushki in salted water for 30 minutes . Then fry the volnushki in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil for 15 minutes.

Volnushki fried in sour cream

Volnushki products
– 1 kilogram Onions – 1 head
Carrots – 2 pieces
Garlic – 3 cloves
Sour cream – 700 grams
Butter – a cube with a side of 3 centimeters
Dill – 1 bunch
Salt – 1.5 tablespoons of salt
Pepper – 1 teaspoon

How to fry volnushki in sour cream
1. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, pour salted (per 1 liter of water – a tablespoon of salt) cold water. 2. Leave the mushrooms for 2 days, changing the water every 10 hours. 3. Drain the water, wash and clean the mushrooms. 4. Boil water, add half a tablespoon of salt. 5. Put the waves in the boiled water, cook for 30 minutes after boiling again. 6. Drain the water through a colander, dry the mushrooms a little. 7. Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely. 8. Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. 9. Heat the pan, melt the butter on it. 10. Put onion and garlic in the pan, fry for 10 minutes. 11. While the onions and garlic are fried, cut the flakes into small pieces. 12. Add carrots to the pan, mix. 13. Wash parsley, dry and finely chop; add to skillet. 14. Salt and pepper the mushrooms to taste. 15. Pour sour cream into the pan, mix and fry for another 3 minutes. Serve fried mushroomspotatoes or rice for garnish.

How easy it is to fry volushki

Volnushki – half a kilo
Onions – 1 head
Salt and pepper – to taste

How to fry volnushki
1. Wash, peel, soak in salted water, boil and put in a colander.
2. Peel onion, finely chop.
3. Heat the pan, put the onion and fry it for 5 minutes.
4. Finely chop the waves, add to the onion in the pan.
5. Salt and pepper the fritters, fry them for 10 minutes.