How much to fry roast

Fry wild mushrooms in a frying pan for 30 minutes over low heat.

Fry wild mushrooms in a slow cooker for 40 minutes , the “baking” program.

How to fry roast

mushrooms (boletus, boletus, chanterelles) – 500 grams
Bulb onion – 2 pieces
Sunflower oil for frying – 2 tablespoons
Salt – 2 tablespoons

How to fry
1. Pour cold water into a deep bowl, pour mushrooms and leave for 10 minutes, to soak dirt, needles, leaves.
2. Remove the mushrooms from the dirty water with your hands and transfer to a colander. Rinse thoroughly under running cold water.
3. Inspect the mushrooms – renew the cuts of the legs, remove the spoiled and wormy ones.
4. Pour cold water into the bowl again, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt, add the washed mushrooms and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, all the rubbish remaining in the mushrooms will fall behind.
5. Transfer the mushrooms to a colander and rinse again under running cold water.
6. Cut large mushrooms into pieces, leave small ones whole.
7. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, put the mushrooms, add 1 teaspoon of salt and put on medium heat. Boil for 4 minutes after boiling, then drain the water through a colander.
8. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan again, add 1 teaspoon of salt, put on medium heat. When the water boils, put the mushrooms in it and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
9. Drain the water through a colander – the mushrooms are ready for frying.
10. Peel and finely chop the onion.
11. Put the pan on a high heat, pour 2 tablespoons of oil, put the onion and fry for 2 minutes, stirring constantly.
12. Add mushrooms to the pan with onions, reduce heat and fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Mushroom roast is ready!

Tasty Facts

– The benefits of wild mushrooms in high protein content and the complete absence of fat, which makes them extremely useful in atherosclerosis. Mushrooms will not add new cholesterol plaques, moreover, due to the high content of lecithin, they will help clean the walls of blood vessels.

– It is recommended to use forest mushrooms, which are 100% sure. At the slightest suspicion , mushrooms should be thrown away. The most dangerous poisoning for health is poisonous mushrooms.

– Mushrooms have a characteristic taste and smell, so they can be cooked without spices .

– Caloric content of forest mushrooms fried with onions is approximately 60 kcal.

– Serveyou can roast with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat.