How much to cook boletus?

Fresh boletus mushrooms are thoroughly washed in cold water and boiled for 40-50 minutes, regularly removing the foam.
Boil boletus in a slow cooker for 30 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
Boil boletus for 20 minutes before frying.

How to cook boletus

Products – boletus, a small knife for cleaning mushrooms, salt

1. Before cooking, wash the boletus, clean it of dirt and forest debris, and remove the base of the leg – put the peeled mushrooms in a container with clean water.
2. After cleaning, rinse the bolete mushrooms thoroughly again under running water.
3. Put mushrooms in a saucepan, pour cold water there with a volume twice as large as the volume of mushrooms, lightly salt (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 kilogram of mushrooms).
4. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
5. After boiling, immediately drain the water.
6. Pour cold water over the mushrooms again.
7. Boletus should be cooked over low heat for 40-50 minutes.
8. The foam that forms during cooking must be removed periodically.
9. When the boletus are ready, they will sink to the bottom.
10. Remove the boiled boletus from the pan with a slotted spoon or pass water through a colander.

Boletus soup

Boletus products
– 400-500 grams
salt – 1 tablespoon
onion – 1 small onion
potatoes – 2 medium potatoes
carrots – 1 medium carrot
garlic – 2 cloves
bay leaf, pepper, herbs, sour cream – to taste

Boletus soup recipe
Boil the mushrooms in plenty of salted water, skimming off the foam. Add pepper, bay leaf and herbs. Peel potatoes and carrots. Cut the potatoes into cubes, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, rub or crush the garlic. Add vegetables to the pot and stir. Add a whole onion. Cook for another 10 minutes, remove the onion from the pan. Serve with herbs and sour cream.

How to pickle boletus

Mushrooms – 1 kg,
Salt – 2 tablespoons,
Citric acid – at the tip of a knife (or lemon juice – 2 tablespoons),
Vinegar 9% – 2 tablespoons,
Bay leaf – 5 leaves,
Allspice peas – half a teaspoon.

Recipe for pickled boletus
mushrooms Sort, clean and wash the mushrooms, cut large boletus mushrooms. Boil in plenty of water for 50 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. Add seasonings and vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes. Transfer the finished boletus mushrooms to jars, pour the broth. Cool and then store in a cool place.

How to dry boletus

What you need for drying boletus mushrooms Mushrooms are very fresh, undamaged boletus.

How to dry boletus mushrooms in the oven
Peel, wash and dry the mushrooms a little. Put the boletus mushrooms on baking paper – put the small mushrooms whole, cut the large ones into pieces. The temperature for drying boletus in the oven is 50 degrees, it is necessary to dry the mushrooms with the door open.

benefits of boletus are due to the content of vitamins B (cell respiration, energy production), C (immunity maintenance), D (health of bones and teeth), vitamin E (health of blood vessels) and nicotinic acid (redox processes of the body).

Calorie boletus – 20 kcal / 100 grams .

How to salt boletus

What you need for salting boletus boletus
boletus – strong, medium in size.
For brine – for each kilogram of mushrooms 120 milliliters of water, 40 grams of salt, 4 bay leaves, several branches of dill, 5 pieces of peppercorns, 2 cloves.

How to salt boletus boletus
1. Peel, rinse and boil boletus for 15 minutes in an enamel pan, periodically skimming off the foam.
2. Prepare the brine: bring water to a boil, salt, add bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves, dill.
3. Pass boiled boletus mushrooms through a colander into jars, sprinkle with salt, pour in brine and put in a cool place.
4. Salted in this way, boletus will be completely ready in a month.
Tip: use small jars for salting so that when you cook the dish, the whole jar is gone at once.

Salad with boiled boletus

Boletus mushrooms – 300 grams
Dill greens – 30 grams
Green onions (can be replaced with onions) – 30 grams
Lettuce – 60 grams
Fresh cucumbers – 180 grams
Chicken eggs – 2 pieces
Salt – to taste
Allspice ground pepper – to taste
Sour cream – 90 grams
Lemon juice – 1 dessert spoon

How to cook a salad of boletus boletus
1. Boil boletus and cut into pieces.
2. Finely chop the onion and herbs.
3. Cut cucumbers.
4. Mix mushrooms, cucumbers, herbs and onions.
5. Hard boil eggs.
6. Cut white bread into cubes of about 1 centimeter.
7. Fry crackers from bread. When frying, they should be stirred regularly so that they do not dry out or burn out and lightly salt.
8. For salad dressing, beat salt, allspice and lemon juice with sour cream.
9. Gently place lettuce leaves on a flat plate or dish.
10. Put a mixture of mushrooms in a slide on the leaves.
11. Arrange egg quarters and croutons around and on top of the salad.
12. Pour dressing over salad and mix.

Tasty Facts

– The boletus has a narrow leg and a brown hat. Depending on the variety, it can be from the lightest to the darkest shade. The cap can be up to 15 cm in diameter. From below, the cap has a dense white pulp, which, unlike butter, never changes color when pressed.
– On the leg of this mushroom there are always black scales.
– Boletes love bright places in deciduous forests, near birches. They can also be found near roads, on the edges or clearings.
– The main season of boletus – from the end of summer until the first frost. But, depending on weather conditions, they may appear as early as May-June.
– This mushroom is a low-calorie product, as it contains only 20 kcal / 100 grams.